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Reverse Engineering Lab Serial Catching in VB6 Reverse Engineering Lab
  ... from newbie to another ...

Tools Used :  Softice V3.24

... from newbie to another ...


Speak 1.8.21 - Rev.501
Author : Shadi Shalabi
Email : support@shadisoft.com
Homepage : http://www.ShadiSoft.Com

Hi guys .. you are now reading my 7th tutorial .. sorry for any grammatical errors .. hope you'll understand this piece ..
Speak will make your computer even more helpful and entertaining than ever. Speak will use Microsoft Agent Animated Characters to read your text for you. You can tell Genie (as an example) to read your documents, emails, web pages or any text in the clipboard. Just keep the cool animated character on top of your desktop and click on him whenever you want him to read for you. Control the speed and pitch and enjoy many characters with different expressions and animations. Speak supports voice recognition. Speak can run your applications by voice commands you provide. Speak will also remind you of your appointments with Speak Reminders.
The essay
.. this is great .. another vb programs ! .. this time using vb6 dynamic link library (msvbvm60.dll) ... hmm seems i have a chance to test my method in new VB library. Now we should make a little changes to our winice settings before we go any further ... open winice.dat and make the following changes ::

F5="^x;^dd eax;"

; EXP=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVBVM50.DLL ; remark this line

We have to remark msvbvm50.dll export symbol 'coz it has the same functions with msvbvm60.dll  which can screw up our examination. Restart windows to apply the changes ... DONE ... run speak  ... #bOOm# .. (" please register this software ")  sure .. later ok ?! .. [NO] ... (" Good night unregister user")  eh ?!  we have a smart genie here !! ... amazing ! this genie can read our system registry ! .. now click on About - unlock speak to enter the registration dialog ... ("Are you really going to set me free and make me only yours ?") sure .. but can u shut the f%ck up please !! ... i enter widYa@cL 2011 as name and 0101010 as dummy key ... remember the function i used in vb5 ?! yeah we're using __vbaStrCat(2 under score) :


... push [unlock] .. #bOOm# ... hmm .. it has a big diff from previous library .. press F10 (9 times) until we land here :

0177:66060B7A 8B4508 MOV EAX,[EBP+08]  ; we're gonna see what's in EAX
0177:66060B7D ED         POP EBP                   ; set BPX at here
0177:66060B7E C20800  RET 0008

BPX 66060B7D [ENTER]

... heh .. u can relax now ... sit back and enjoy a new movie from Microsoft ... push F5 (about 57 times) .. untill you see a good serial form in wide char :

7 . 4 . 0 . 2 . 2 . ; . 4 . 9
7 . 3 . 5 . 4 . : . 1 . 4 . 9
9 . 5 . 4 . . . p . e . a . k

... enter registration again with this key ...

Full Name            : widYa@cL 2011
Registration Key : 74022;497354:149954

... [unlock] ... #bOOm# ... ("Thank you Master widYa@cL 2011. You are trully my friend")  ... ??? ... plok .. plok .. plok ... ("I'm your humble servant") ... !? ... Woaah .. i like this softwarez A LOT !! ...

heii are you sayin' somethin' ?! ... yeah ... VB is the most easiest protection schemes ....

Jokes bY the Genie :

Why won't sharks attack lawyers? ... Professional courtesy!

At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, 'Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?' The other replied, 'Yes, I am, I married the wrong man'.

How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? ... His lips are moving!

What do you give the man who has everything? ... Antibiotics!  ... ha ... ha ... ha ...

Final notes

When u fails ... and lost in hell ... still can't find the door ... just ask the guy in the mirror
any comments/suggestions/critics ?! ... juSt leT me knOw !

Greetz : (no spesific order)
SandMan,CrackZ,tKC/All PC members, tHATDUDE, UCF, Torn@do, The Immortal Descendants, +ORC, MiB , Iczelion, GCG, ED!SON, Razzia, +Xoanon, iCECREAM, FraVia, Lord Caligo, Buckaroo Banzai, +gthorne , Mexelite , Corn2, Vizion, Manson69, nIabI, Cyborg, ^pain^, intruder, Yaan, Laxity, JoGy, nIabI [C4N/ME], MR NICK, NaTzGUL [REVOLT], Qapla', The _RudeBoy_ , BigMoM, Aphex Twin [Vandals], v√lt√_δ, eXact, YOSHi, Volatility, ZeroDay, Aescu, _CbD_, Gavin Estey, DR. Encryption, Joshua Auerbach, Klee8084, masta_, Chuck Nelson, _HaK_, Nemrod and ReN, R. DeYoung, Hugo Perez, lownoise, Hayras, Flu(X), Harvest, YOU .....


Written / Design bY       : widYa-cL 2011
Page Created : 11 March 1999